Audible Promo Code April 2024 (Risk-Free 30-Day Trial + Up to 2 Free Books)

Listening to the right audiobook at the right time can change your life forever. For one, it can help you reach your goals, be it making money, finding love, or being happy. For another, a good story might give you the exact insight you didn’t know you needed. With Audible and its over 600,000 audiobooks, podcasts, and originals, you are guaranteed to find that book.

Audible is the #1 audiobook service in the world with the largest content library. Since Audible is owned by Amazon, which has over 200 million paying Prime members and billions of customers worldwide, over 100 million people use the well-funded and high-quality Audible offering. The Audible app has over 4.6 million ratings on the Apple App Store (4.9 stars ⭐️) and nearly 1.5 million reviews on the Google Play Store (4.5 stars ⭐️).

With our exclusive Audible promo code (affiliate link), you can get a risk-free, 30-day trial of Audible and up to 2 free audiobooks of your choice which you can keep forever! You’ll get 2 free book credits if you’re a Prime member, 1 otherwise. After that, plans start from $7.95 per month and go up to $14.95 per month. You can listen to over 11,000 titles as much as you want and get 1 free audiobook of your choice each month.

This is an exclusive Audible promo code, valid in April 2024, only available at Four Minute Books.

How To Redeem Our Audible Promo Code

After you open the above link, simply click the yellow “$0.00 – Get 30 Days Free” button. Then, log in or create your Amazon account. You might have to reconfirm your payment method and/or billing address, but you won’t be charged. Finally, click “Try for Free,” and you’re good to go!

Here’s what the landing page looks like:

Audible Promo Code Preview Screenshot

You’ll only be charged if you keep your subscription after the 30-day trial ends, which is plenty of time to cancel. Even if you’ve been a member for a while, you can always pause or cancel your subscription in any given month.

Your 30-day trial is risk-free. Please sign up using your mobile browser on your phone or via your laptop or desktop PC. If you sign up straight through the Audible iOS or Android app, the system won’t be able to track we’ve referred you, and you’ll lose the free trial and book credit.

If you’re already an Amazon Prime member, you’ll get 2 free book credits instead of 1 as part of the free trial, meaning you get to pick 2 audiobooks of your choice and keep them forever, even if you cancel your subscription!

If you’re looking for more information before using our Audible promo code, just read on or jump to any point using the table of contents below.

What is Audible?

To explain every aspect of Audible in detail, we wrote an extensive Audible review.

But here’s everything you need to know about Audible in a nutshell:

  • Audible is an Amazon-owned company publishing over 10,000 audio titles each year.
  • Their catalog contains over 600,000 audiobooks and is the largest audio library in the world.
  • Audible has over 100 million users based on Android downloads alone.
  • Besides audiobooks, they also publish podcasts, originals, and exclusive audio series.
  • With a Plus subscription, you can listen to their Plus Catalog, which contains over 11,000 titles.
  • With a Premium Plus subscription, you can also listen to the Plus Catalog plus pick 1 audiobook to own forever each month.
  • Plus costs $7.95/month, Premium Plus costs $14.95/month.

If you use our exclusive Audible discount, however, you’ll get the first 30 days completely free, as well as 1 EXTRA credit redeemable for any book (2 if you’re a Prime member).

Imagine downloading an entire book right into your brain every single month — or even multiple, if you use the Plus Catalog! Isn’t that worth the price of 2 or 3 coffees? I think it’s a great deal, and with our risk-free trial, you can even see if you like it first

Redeem your Audible coupon by clicking the button below:

Thank you!

Why audiobooks?

Every year, over 1,000,000 new books are published. It’s impossible to keep up. Even if you only want to read the books about your favorite topics or focus on bestsellers, you’ll never be able to read them all.

With Audible, however, you can not just read books — you can listen to them — and you can do that on top of your regular reading in settings where you otherwise wouldn’t be able to read at all, like while driving, doing laundry, or working out. Thanks to Audible, you’ll “read” a lot more than before.

But Audible has other benefits too:

  1. Thanks to the catalog as your baseline, you can always listen to something interesting, even if you’ve already spent your audiobook credit for the month.
  2. Due to their different formats, you can find things that fit into whatever time you have available. Some Originals are only 15-minute listens, others are hours long.
  3. Audio is a different sensory experience, meaning you’ll notice other things than you would while reading. Usually, it’s better suited for grasping the big picture, even if you can’t remember all the details.
  4. Audio makes books feel more alive, especially if the narrator does a good job, which, on Audible, they usually do!

Of course, you don’t want to listen to JUST audio. You can still read normal books and book summaries, and thus get the best of both worlds! I recommend you use Audible as an additional learning tool on top of your usual reading.

All things considered, is Audible worth it?

Ask yourself this question: How much money would you be willing to pay to download a book into your brain every month?

What is that ability worth? I mean, we’re talking Matrix-style capabilities. I think it’s a lot. Hundreds of dollars? Thousands? Maybe millions, depending on how you’ll use your newfound skills! With an Audible Premium Plus subscription, you’re basically acquiring this skill — for less than $0.50 per day!

I did the math: If you use our Audible discount code and use the Plus subscription for 1 year, you’ll pay less than $0.24/day! And if you go for Premium Plus, it’s still just $0.45/day — to download dozens of books right into your brain!

Audible is awesome. I really hope you’ll consider it. After all, the best investments are the ones we make into ourselves.

Redeem your Audible discount code by clicking the button below:

Thank you!

We live in amazing times. Technology now has the power to improve our learning a great deal at such little cost. Make the most of it!

PS: When you use our exclusive discount link, you’ll also support Four Minute books at no extra cost to you (we’ll get a commission for referring you).
Thank you, and happy listening with Audible!

© 2024 | Four Minute Books


Last Updated on April 4, 2024