1-Sentence-Summary: A Walk In The Woods tells the interesting story of the adventures Bill Bryson and Stephen Katz had while walking the beautiful, rugged, and historic Appalachian Trail.
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1-Sentence-Summary: A Walk In The Woods tells the interesting story of the adventures Bill Bryson and Stephen Katz had while walking the beautiful, rugged, and historic Appalachian Trail.
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1-Sentence-Summary: The Uninhabitable Earth explains how humanity’s complacency and negligence have put this world on a course to soon be unlivable unless we each do our small part to improve how we care for this beautiful planet we live on.
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1-Sentence-Summary: Eating Animals reveals the true burden of the modern-day meat industry that we all bear as a society and details the environmental, health-related, and ethical consequences.
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1-Sentence-Summary: The Sixth Extinction summarizes how human activity has contributed to the mass extinction of species and points out ways to mitigate our biggest environmental problems.
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1-Sentence-Summary: Merchants of Doubt explains how a small but loud group of researchers were able to mislead the public about the truths around global warming, tobacco, DDT, and other important issues for decades.
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1-Sentence-Summary: On the Origin of Species is the foundational book for modern evolutionary biology that marked a turning point in how we think about the beginnings of humankind.
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1-Sentence-Summary: The Hidden Life of Trees describes how trees can communicate, support each other, learn from experience, and form alliances with other inhabitants of the forest.
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1-Sentence-Summary: Silent Spring is the story that sparked the global grassroots environmental movement in 1962, explaining how chemical pesticides work, what their drawbacks are, and how we can protect crops in better, more sustainable ways.
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1-Sentence-Summary: Minimalism is an instructive introduction to the philosophy of less and how it helped two guys who had achieved the American dream let go of their possessions and the depressions that came with them.
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