1-Sentence-Summary: Spartan Up is a call for you to ditch modern day comfort, take up a challenge and don’t quit until you reach your goal by developing the mindset of an ancient Spartan warrior.
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1-Sentence-Summary: Spartan Up is a call for you to ditch modern day comfort, take up a challenge and don’t quit until you reach your goal by developing the mindset of an ancient Spartan warrior.
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1-Sentence-Summary: Rich Dad Poor Dad tells the story of a boy with two fathers, one rich, one poor, to help you develop the mindset and financial knowledge you need to build a life of wealth and freedom.
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1-Sentence-Summary: Learned Optimism digs into why optimists are healthier, happier, and more successful people than pessimists, how both are learned attitudes and what you can do to become an optimist yourself.
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1-Sentence-Summary: The Magic of Thinking Big gives you several starting points to develop and strengthen the most important trait of successful people: believing in yourself.
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1-Sentence-Summary: The End of Jobs explains why, thanks to the advancements of modern technology, being an entrepreneur is now the safest way to meaningful work and financial freedom.
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