
In Cold Blood Summary

1-Sentence-Summary: In Cold Blood is a new form of journalism that is referred to as a โ€œnonfiction novel,โ€ which tells, as if it were a novel, the story of how Dick Hickock and Perry Smith conspired, prepared, and killed the Clutter family in rural Kansas in the fall of 1959, and what it took for the police to catch them so they could be brought to justice by hanging in 1965.

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In Cold Blood Summary

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She Comes First Summary

1-Sentence-Summary: She Comes First is sex therapist Dr. Ian Kernerโ€™s guide to improving sex by emphasizing the female orgasm, explaining why changing your mindset about sex and focusing on the stimulation of the right places in the right ways can be more enjoyable than intercourse for both men and women.

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She Comes First Summary

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