1-Sentence-Summary: High-Impact Tools for Teams aims to combat recurring project-management problems that take place in teams and especially during meetings, which tend to get chaotic and deviate from their initial purpose, all through the Team Alignment Map, a solution proposed by the authors.
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Favorite quote from the author:
Have you ever taken part in a meeting where only managers take the initiative? Where they talk about the given topics, and you feel your only purpose is to be present simply? Or maybe you were so disconnected that you aren’t aware of the meeting topics. Perhaps you are a manager who feels frustrated that your meetings tend to get dull and unstructured along the way.
Whichever the case may be, High-Impact Tools for Teams by Stefano Mastrogiacomo has got you! The book presents a series of high-utility practices that anyone can use in their teams to spark motivation, encourage initiatives, and solve the most common project-management problems. One of the most important offerings of this book is the Team Alignment Map, which we’ll explore in detail later in summary.
For now, here are my three favorite lessons from the book:
- First, anticipate the most common problems during meetings to prevent them from happening.
- The Team Alignment Map is a tool that helps teams achieve SMART goals effectively and get projects done.
- Having an agenda before you step into a meeting can help you minimize wasted time.
Now that we’ve taken a glimpse of these valuable lessons, we’ll go into detail with every one of them to find out more important information!
Lesson 1: Most meetings are unproductive, but learning what makes them this way can help you prevent it from happening.
Most people hate meetings, and for a reason. An appointment is usually just a time when team members gather around to discuss a given topic but end up circling it and talking nonsense. According to research conducted by Atlassian, approximately half of the meetings are unproductive and considered a waste of time.
So how can we change that and put those resources utilized in the process to better use? The answer is simple: Ditch team meetings and use other communication tools instead. Of course, teamwork and communication set the base for every successful project, so managers must find more interactive ways of engaging with their people.
By this point, it’s clear that meetings don’t increase the level of communication and connectivity. This is because team members often feel afraid to speak up and say something stupid, especially in front of their colleagues. Moreover, team roles are often ambiguous, leaving much room for interpretation, making team activities unaligned and unstructured.
Simply put, no one knows what the other person should be doing, let alone themselves. For this reason, the authors suggest using the Team Alignment Map (TAM). This tool makes planning and teamwork easier by presenting a clear structure of a team and its activities at any given time.
Lesson 2: Use the Team Alignment Map to run smoother projects and achieve goals faster.
Now that I’ve introduced the TAM, it’s time to break it down into simple words and see how you can start using it right away to manage a team of people better! First, the TAM helps people plan and assess. It consists of a four-column chart and a header with a Mission and a Period. You may add the meeting agenda in the Mission row, while in the Period tab, it is where the meeting’s time frame is written.
The header makes the structure of the meeting clear from the start and lets members form an idea about it. The Mission tab should inspire them and make them understand the meaning behind the project. The Period tab helps them develop how long the project will last. Distributed as follows are the four columns:
- The Joint Objectives is a column that answers what you’re going to achieve together and what needs to be done. Here you must set SMART goals and short-term objectives to meet them.
- The Joint Commitments pillar is to write down their name and pick up tasks that make up the end goals.
- The Joint Resources column states the resources that will be used in the process and what each member needs to get their task done.
- The Joint Risks is a column that assesses the problems that may occur along the way and may affect the well-being of the team or project. Here you project the potential risks to be able to prevent them.
Lesson 3: Be prepared with an agenda before every meeting to reduce unproductive time.
It’s no secret that any plan can help you reduce uncertainty, so preparing an agenda will surely benefit your meeting. But unfortunately, most meetings are a waste of time due to poor planning and a structured agenda. As such, it’s best to clear out from the start how much time you want to spend on a specific topic.
Lay out all time intervals and other essential topics you wish to discuss in your meeting before it starts. This way, you’ll make it straightforward for your team members how everything will run for the day. Moreover, verbalize what you expect from them during the meeting and what you want to get out of it at the end. One example of this is planning for a specific project in the company.
A good agenda consists of approximately 10 minutes of intro on the subject. Thirty minutes is reserve for completing the TAM. Another 30 minutes to address unclarities and questions. During the meeting, make sure to engage with members and have each person speak their mind before everyone else for at least two minutes. You may leave room for team members to discuss and interact after the intro part.
High-Impact Tools for Teams Review
High-Impact Tools for Teams offers valuable advice on running more effective meetings and increasing productivity at the workplace. The book can help any manager or team leader revitalize their team and offer a better direction. Motivating team members with exciting tasks to meet end goals by touching on SMART goals. The Team Alignment Map, and many other project management tips. The author also offers a hands-on guide to transforming one’s workplace essentially.
Who would I recommend the High-Impact Tools for Teams summary to?
The 30-year-old team leader wants to learn how to run more effective meetings—the 50-year-old CEO who wants to motivate their organization and approach a more efficient management style. Lastly, the 35-year-old manager who wants to do well in their new project is looking for advice in this direction.
Last Updated on August 1, 2023