Blinkist Discount Code April 2024 [35% Off + Free Trial] »

Reading the right book at the right time will help you reach your goals in life: making money, finding love, being happy. With Blinkist, you can get the ideas of that book in just 15 minutes. That’s why over 29,000,000 users trust their service and 95% of Blinkist members claim they read significantly more than before.

Blinkist is the #1 book summary service in the world. With over 7,000 book summaries and audios and cheap pricing, it offers the best value for the money. They also have over 119,000/118,000 reviews on the Apple App/Google Play Store with over 4.8/4.5 stars on average.

With our exclusive coupon (affiliate link), you get an additional 35% off on top of saving 50% by using their annual plan. That means you’ll basically be able to read a book a day for less than $0.15 per day – or less than one Starbucks latte per month! Plus, you can even share your subscription with one other person, completely free of charge. It’s 2 people, 1 price, 0 extra cost!

This is an exclusive Blinkist discount, valid in April 2024, only available at Four Minute Books.

How To Redeem Our Blinkist Discount Code

After you open the above link, please click “Claim Offer.” The page will scroll down, and you’ll see the box pictured below:

Blinkist Discount Code 2024 // Blinkist Coupon Code 2024

Click on “Start 7-day free trial,” and as you create your account, a 35% Blinkist coupon will automatically be applied for you.  This way, after your trial is up, if you choose to stay, you’ll magically get charged at the reduced price, no further work required.

The prices displayed above are in EUR/€. They may vary slightly in USD/$ or other currencies.

Blinkist further offers a 14-day money back guarantee. Even after you’ve been charged, you always have an extra 14 days to cancel and get your money back.

Please sign up using your mobile browser on your phone or via your laptop or desktop PC. If you sign up straight through Blinkist’s iOS or Android app, the system won’t be able to track we’ve referred you, and you’ll lose the discount.

You can also see a free example summary here.

If you’re looking for more information before using our Blinkist discount code, just read on or jump to any point using the table of contents below.

What Is Blinkist?

To explain every aspect of Blinkist in detail, we’ve created a written walkthrough of the Blinkist web app, including a video. We also have a review of the Blinkist app.

But here’s everything you need to know about Blinkist in a nutshell:

  • Blinkist is a German startup and employs about 60 people today.
  • Their team reads books, extracts the most important lessons, and summarizes them in a simple format.
  • You can read each summary in about 15 minutes or listen to it on audio.
  • As a free user, you can read one summary every day – the daily pick.
  • As a premium user, you can access their full library of over 7,000+ book summaries, and use advanced features like saving your library offline, syncing your highlights to Evernote, or sending summaries to your Kindle.
  • The team also adds new summaries at a rate of about 40 new titles per month.

The standard price for Premium is $80 (or €, if you’re in Europe) per year if you pay annually. The monthly pricing isn’t worth it, as it’s twice as expensive ($12 per month).

If you use our exclusive Blinkist coupon, however, you can get Premium access at 35% off. That’s $52 per year or just over $4/month.

If you think about what else you can buy for that money, in many places not even a latte, let alone a pizza, it’s easy to see that this is a great deal.

Redeem your Blinkist coupon by clicking the button below:

Thank you!

Why Book Summaries?

Every year, over 1,000,000 new books are published. It’s impossible to keep up, even if all you’re trying to do is read the very best ones.

That’s the problem Blinkist will solve for you. Thanks to this app, you’ll be able to stay on top of all the latest bestsellers.

But using Blinkist has many other advantages too:

  1. You’ll avoid the fluff and filler material of books that only contain a few good ideas.
  2. You can move through more and different topics faster, learning from a variety of disciplines.
  3. Thanks to Blinkist’s easy-to-read format and highlighting feature, you’ll retain more information.
  4. The summaries on Blinkist are complete, meaning you will get all the important ideas of the book, not just one.
  5. Navigation on Blinkist is straightforward and focused, so you will likely read more overall.
  6. The audio feature helps you keep learning, even when you’re in a situation where you can’t read, like driving or exercising.

Of course, reading just book summaries has some disadvantages too. That’s why I recommend you use Blinkist as a complementary learning method on top of your normal reading.

You can use their summaries to find books you want to read in full, avoid time-wasters, and catch the ideas of those you just don’t have time for. And all of that for a little over $4/month!

How Much Do I Save With Your Blinkist Discount Code?

If you use our Blinkist coupon, you will get 35% off the regular pricing. This discount can ONLY be redeemed on the designated landing page.

If it disappears for any reason, just come back to this page and use our link again.

All Things Considered, Is Blinkist Worth It?

Ask yourself this question: How much money would you be willing to pay to be able to read a book every day?

What is that skill worth? I think a whole lot. Probably thousands of dollars, maybe even millions over a lifetime. With a Blinkist Premium subscription, you’re essentially acquiring this skill – for less than a Starbucks latte a month!

In fact, I did the math, and if you use our Blinkist coupon, you’re paying less than $0.15 per day! To get the ideas of a whole book!

I’ve been a Blinkist power user for over five years now, and I still love it. I really hope you’ll consider it. After all, there is nothing more important than to invest in yourself.

Redeem your Blinkist discount code by clicking the button below:

Thank you!

We truly live in amazing times where we can use technology to improve our learning so much at such little cost. Make the most of it!

PS: When you use our exclusive discount link, you’ll also support us at no extra cost to you (we’ll get a commission for referring you). For more details on that, see here.

PPS: If you have a friend who loves books, but is just as pressed for time as you are, would you please share this page with them? It’d mean the world to me.

I’m making it really easy for you with these two cool buttons 🙂

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Thanks and enjoy reading awesome book summaries with Blinkist!

© 2024 | Four Minute Books


Last Updated on April 4, 2024